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Ambient Intelligence Title: Ambient Intelligence

Filed in archive About , Products , Technology by on October 25, 2006

So what is Ambient Intelligence? It's like Techwear - but - with objects instead of clothes. The main idea stays the same: build sensors into something and connect it to something else. Here is a...

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Breakthrough in heart monitoring Title: Breakthrough in heart monitoring

Filed in archive Products , Science , Technology by on October 24, 2006

Looks like I found the killer-app for the over-stressed manager of today (and many other within the "burn-out-zone"). Medick Healthcare has launched a personal heart monitor called MHM 100....

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Wearable stress-fracture detection system Title: Wearable stress-fracture detection system

Filed in archive Science , Technology by on October 19, 2006

Before your bone brakes there are different noises. Scientists developed a system that measures this sound and can tell you to stop before it's to late. The researchers are applying the same basic...

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Wearable robot exoskeletons Title: Wearable robot exoskeletons

Filed in archive Technology by on October 14, 2006

What comes to your mind when you think about ants? For example that they can carry 8 times their own weight. To transfer animal skills is an old dream of mankind. No wonder that the armed services are...

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Emotional Design - the wearable social Interface Title: Emotional Design - the wearable social Interface

Filed in archive Cool , High-Tech Textiles , Science , Technology by on October 07, 2006

Very very cool is: Philips. Often enough I had this thought the last years but now they kick it. The company designer play around with an old idea from me: Clothes that show the emotion of the wearer....

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New Wearable Display - Application needed Title: New Wearable Display - Application needed

Filed in archive Products , Technology by on October 06, 2006

Konica Minolta developed a new display and is looking for possible applications. The technology sounds nice: The Holographic See-Through Browser prototype resembles a pair of eyeglasses and uses a...

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Nokia & Wibree Title: Nokia & Wibree

Filed in archive Technology by on October 04, 2006

Nokia developed a competing technology to Bluetooth called Wibree. The business features are: power-efficient (can be used in smaller devices), scalable (using the same components Bluetooth does)....

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To feel that you could fly Title: To feel that you could fly

Filed in archive Technology by on September 26, 2006

Simple but wonderful. The feeling must be great... Pretty close to fly like a bird but without the risk to fall. In fact you could lay down with your VR glass and just look around: The airplane is a...

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Your body is a plant Title: Your body is a plant

Filed in archive Cool , Products , Technology by on September 16, 2006

Something here reminds me to the movie Matrix- and that things come true. An Infineon spin-off can produce electric power from your body. The basic technology is called "Peltier Cooler" (see...

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ECG T-Shirt Title: ECG T-Shirt

Filed in archive Products , Science , Technology by on September 16, 2006

Imagine an electrocardiogram without the need to go to the doctor and with much better data. This is what the ECG T-Shirt will be about. It's a research project at the EMPA. This institut works in...

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Without sensors Title: Without sensors

Filed in archive Privacy , Technology by on September 14, 2006

A new technology makes it possbile to measure healthcare related data without any sensors. The development from CNOGA Inc. is based on novel bio chrominance information processing acquired from the...

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Modeled by: Spider Title: Modeled by: Spider

Filed in archive High-Tech Textiles , Science , Technology by on September 08, 2006

We all know that animals (like we) are moved by bones and muscles - spiders are not. They use a hydraulic system that is much more lightweight. Scientists Carlo Menon and Cristian Lira have developed...

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The future mop Title: The future mop

Filed in archive Technology by on September 07, 2006

RFID is everywhere but in a mop? Even more not at home but in the B2B business? Yep, the German room cleaning service company Schulten uses RFID for better service quality. The room cleaning business...

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Mobile Information - BaToo Title: Mobile Information - BaToo

Filed in archive Technology by on September 06, 2006

You want to know where your food is from and what's in it? Look at BaToo, a new application that integrates technologies from camera mobiles, GPRS, mobile networks and databases to deliver...

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Gadgets, gadgets, wearable Title: Gadgets, gadgets, wearable

Filed in archive Market , Products , Technology by on September 01, 2006

Where is the fitness industry going? Gadgets, gadgets, wearable. Thats the key-message from "The Raw Story". The experts see a huge trend to more equipment. Even if they think that not all...

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Future Skin Title: Future Skin

Filed in archive Science , Technology by on August 24, 2006

A breakthrough in nanotechnology - that is more important for techwear then ever before: chemists from the University of Arkansas announced the first 3D-form from nanomaterials. The advancement from...

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Privacy in jail Title: Privacy in jail

Filed in archive Privacy , Technology by on August 23, 2006

RFID reports about a new use for RFID chips - active and passive - in prison: Now at this prison, inmates would be fitted with an anklet or a bracelet having a unique identifier and the security guard...

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Personal Navigation Title: Personal Navigation

Filed in archive Cool , Products , Science , Technology by on August 18, 2006

Everyone knows and loves car navigation systems. Now you can imagine how cool a personal navigation system would be. Most of all this one: the Georgia Institute of Technology presents SWAN - the...

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The first "Shirt-Revolution" Title: The first "Shirt-Revolution"

Filed in archive Enterprises , High-Tech Textiles , Products , Technology by on August 15, 2006

This creation was "close2catch" and is a technological revolution. A shirt that measures what is available with sensors today. Because you'll have a lot of healthcare data at hand the...

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Trust your Voice ... Title: Trust your Voice ...

Filed in archive Enterprises , Privacy , Technology by on August 14, 2006

... with Voice Trust - the leading voice recognition company from Munich, Germany. And what's fun - the founders first company was in the fashion business (and failed). But his second company is...

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Electric textile @ IFA 2006 Title: Electric textile @ IFA 2006

Filed in archive Cool , Enterprises , Events , High-Tech Textiles , Market , Products , Science , Technology by on August 12, 2006

Even at the worlds biggest consumer electronics fair in September in Berlin we will see a Wearable Fashion show named "eFashion" (I guess it will be part of the Science show. However, till...

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