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The Techwear Weblog: Wearable instrument from Yamaha
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Wearable instrument from Yamaha

Filed in archive Cool by on November 15, 2006

The wearable air guitar is in the news everywhere so here is another one - but much older - concept. It's reminds me to the times of synthi-pop and wave:
Dubbed "Miburi" and released by Yamaha in the 1990s, this wearable instrument allows for 1980s-style outlandish and synthesized performance.
Miburi stands for "Bodyshaker" and it looks like that if you see the video. The whole set you need is made from electronics. A fact that shows why electronic is part of wearable computing or somehow roots and history too.

I would say that everyone feels the fun that one could have with such a product. However both examples doesn't look like you can bring it to the market today. Perhaps it's really time to produce something for the consumer. Even air guitar festivals would be different. But there could be a W-Music festival too.

At the last CeBit I saw a band playing musiv only with joysticks. Perhaps it's time to rethink music-making at all? Remember the movie "The Dancer"? What a great idea to make music with your body. Music-making and dancing becomes one. (I would like to add that even those dancing scenes in SciFi movies would look more "future" with that idea.)

Via CrunchGear


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